Saturday, October 10, 2009

Funniest. Site. Ever.

Hilarious. However, do not go if you are easily offended. I was very surprised at how many people sent hate mail to this site, especially since it's only been up for about a month and a half. But, hey, I'm already going to hell anyway, so what do I know about what's offensive?

Friday, October 9, 2009

I've been a bad girl... not updating. At all. Here's the important things going on in my life now:

- School. At NCTC, not UNT like I said last semester. Don't ask. Well... okay, it's because my GPA wasn't quite high enough, and then I deliberated for awhile about taking a semester off. But hey, I'm much more comfortable here than I was my first semester.
- Rehearsals for a play entitled "Talking of Michelangelo" which was written and is being directed by my friend Joshua Scott Hancock. It's going alright. We open in two weeks.
- Working seasonally at Costume & Dance World, the costume shop in the local mall. I enjoy the job... somewhat. My boss, though, is not exactly the friendliest person in the world. I'll leave it at that. Thank goodness it's only temporary.
- Travis and I are still together and in love and all that gooey shit (Our 1 year anniversary is on the 30th!). No complaints there. :-)

Aaaaaaaaaannnnnnnd scene.