Wednesday, September 22, 2010

To-Do List

+ Clean my room.
+ Get a job.
+ Visit my grandmother.
+ Go to Rose Costumes to try on my costume for Drood.
+ Schedule a session with the diction coach for Drood.
+ Take my box o' books to Recycled Books to sell.
+ Work on drawing Two Weeks Past Forever, the comic Travis is writing.
+ Work on characters and outline for my still-untitled novel.
+ Work on blog idea with Deni.
+ Write a freakin' poem every now and then.
+ Write a short story.
+ Go to Drood rehearsal most week days.
+ Maintain some sort of social life.
+ Read my library books before they're due.

YES, I can be an actress, artist, and writer all at the same time.

Sunday, September 5, 2010

Read my poetry!!!

Okay, sorry for the shameless self-promotion, BUT...

I've got a site where you can view my poetry. Which you totally should. And bookmark it, while you're at it.

I don't have a lot up yet, but I think if I have a place where people actually expect me to post my poems, I might actually write more. I also am feeling encouraged to go hunting through all the random scraps of paper and notebooks I own to amass together all of my previously existing poetry (the ones that don't completely suck, anyway) into one place.

Wow, I'm actually starting to feel like a real poet now.


Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Drood and stuff

Well, even after a terrible, terrible audition I managed to score a chorus role in DCT's production of "Drood." I'm sure I'll have lots of fun, and I'll rinse the rust off of my chops while dancing off a few pounds.

I *think* I'm going to get the job at Integrated Alliance. I hope so...

...Because any money I can get will be a wonderful thing.

And I miss Travis with everything I've got.

In the meantime, I've got to keep writing and drawing. I'm really terrible about just sitting on the computer all day long doing absolutely nothing. I managed a small poem today, but that's so not enough. I need to freakin' WRITE. (Or draw.)

Also, I am of the opinion that Amanda Palmer and Neil Gaiman are THE COOLEST couple in the universe. Just sayin'.