Wednesday, September 22, 2010

To-Do List

+ Clean my room.
+ Get a job.
+ Visit my grandmother.
+ Go to Rose Costumes to try on my costume for Drood.
+ Schedule a session with the diction coach for Drood.
+ Take my box o' books to Recycled Books to sell.
+ Work on drawing Two Weeks Past Forever, the comic Travis is writing.
+ Work on characters and outline for my still-untitled novel.
+ Work on blog idea with Deni.
+ Write a freakin' poem every now and then.
+ Write a short story.
+ Go to Drood rehearsal most week days.
+ Maintain some sort of social life.
+ Read my library books before they're due.

YES, I can be an actress, artist, and writer all at the same time.

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