So, while I put off getting ready for work until the last possible minute, I'll just ramble about what's going on in life.
Yes, I did indeed say "getting ready for work." I have possibly the coolest job in the universe, even if it is temporary. For this Halloween season, I'm working at Rose Costumes here in town. I'm convinced it's the most magical costume shop in the world, with the heavily decorated themed rooms and dressing rooms, over 5,000 costumes, and you follow the trail of chickens on the ceiling that eventually turn into rats to get to the Sherlock Holmes bathroom. And I mean, when "The Secret Room" and "The Secret Secret Room" are part of your workplace vocabulary, you know you have fun on the job. The only downside is that I'm working full time at a costume shop during its busiest season while working on Drood at the same time, which is getting closer and closer to opening night. Exhaustion is quickly becoming my middle name.
But, I'm really liking the fact that having a job means getting paid.
So, let's start a countdown to the 29th, which is the opening night of Drood, the Friday of Rose Costume's busiest weekend, and last but certainly not least, the day Travis is going to come visit me!!! I miss him like fire, and it's been over two months now since I last saw him.
Today is thirteen days until the 29th. Just under two weeks!!!
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