Thursday, April 30, 2009

I Hate Spiders... So Much

So, today we were finishing up cleaning Silver Wings for the end of the semester. Everyone else had piled into Tenna's truck to go take stuff over to storage, and I was left to move patio furniture into the shop.

So... I'm dragging the wicker love seat over to the shop doors across the patio... and I watch as a BROWN RECLUSE SPIDER runs out from hiding in it onto the ground. I freeze - spiders are seriously my worst fear, and this particular one happens to be the most poisonous in the good ol' U. S. of A. So I'm standing there thinking "Oh shit oh shit oh shit, what do I do?" Well, I figure that the little beast needs to DIE, because I'm sure as hell not going to let it continue to add to the brown recluse gene pool. So I look around... I'm the only one there, so I can't get someone else to do it. The patio, for once, is devoid of one-by-fours, which happen to be perfect spider-smashing tools if available. Finally, I spot Tenna's toolbox off to the side of the patio. Is there a hammer in there? Yes, yes there is! I grab the hammer, and slowly move over to the little git, who thankfully hasn't moved. I quickly work up the courage to go ahead and smash at it - and miss! So I go again... and miss again! And of course, this pisses off the spider, so he starts running around, which freaks ME out. So there I am, playing the arachnid version of Whack-A-Mole, screaming "Die motherfucker, die!" while dancing around like a maniac.

Thankfully, I eventually hit the eight-legged creature. And again, and again, and again. I made sure that all that was left was a venomous pulp. I then stuck the hammer back inside the toolbox and went inside to wait for everyone else. I was done moving furniture. Quite done.

Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Ugh... Rain

Wow, it's pouring buckets outside, and I'm trying to dry off in this freezing cold building. It's not working. I love rain, but only when I don't have to go out into it. I'm like a cat; I seriously hate being cold and wet. I am waiting for it to stop so that I can head over to the dorms and be cozy and warm. I wish I had a hoodie with me!

Cleaned up Silver Wings today, which was good. Now I have a lot of work to do for my Life Drawing class, and I need to check up on some stuff for my Intro to Computers class. Also, I need to finish writing my screenplay fairly soon, because if I can reshoot my final film project, I will.

I wish Travis would call me. I know he doesn't want to because it makes him miss me more, but there are things I want to talk to him about, like Lysistrata and my screenplay.

Just waiting for this rain to stop... might write a poem in the meantime.

Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Phew... Big Update

So, I went to Denton this weekend... and didn't get online even once, mostly because Travis's internet is out. But it was quite a hectic weekend anyhow.

Got into town around 10:30-ish. Joey dropped me off at Brad's, where Travis was hanging out, and I watched the last third or fourth of Platoon with them. Then we hung out there some more, and then Travis and I went home.

Woke up for my dad to go take me to get my completely unjust seatbelt ticket paid, then he dropped me back at the Bordello and Travis and I went over to the Arts & Jazz fest. Saw people, listened to music, ate food, drank beer. Then went back over to the Bordello for a pretty rockin' party, and everyone got wasted.

More Jazz Fest. Not so much partying though - Travis and I were tiiiired. Saw lots of great people that I missed very very much.

Coffee with Caleb in the morning, which was quite nice. Then I shot my film project for my Projects in Acting class rather hurriedly; I was totally unable to come up with anything good, but was running out of time. Deni and Bryan did fantastic jobs, but I may have to re-shoot the whole damned thing. :-( Then auditions for Lysistrata, and I feel I did fairly well. Went over to my parents' house for dinner afterwards, and hung out there for quite awhile. Then I took Travis back home, and hung out there till reaaaallllyyyy late. Unfortunately, with all of this, I missed the last day of Arts & Jazz entirely, and with it, Brave Combo. However, apparently there was a big fight that broke out there, ensuing in Joey getting punched in the throat, and his dad having to go to the ER to get stitches. So, I'm not entirely depressed to have missed it.

Woke up late after only a couple of hours of sleep, and ran out the door to drive back up to Sherman for school, accidently leaving my beloved hair straightener behind. Oh well. Went to class and lunch, then went back and forth between sleep and a horrible anxiety attack all afternoon and evening. Then I sat down to watch Desperado to calm me down, and it worked.

Class. Lunch. End of the year talk with Tenna and Robin, letting them know I'm going to UNT in the fall. They were pretty supportive, which was cool. Hung out the rest of the afternoon filming Joey getting hit by Taylor's car over and over (for his film project), and just talking to people. Dinner. Joey and Andy were being retarded and threw a hammer around outside. Then a little while later, I got a call from Josh letting me know that both Travis and I got cast in Lysistrata. Yay! Now I'm just hanging out, and I really ought to get to work on my art projects that are due next week.

Phew! Crazy up and down past few days, no?

Thursday, April 23, 2009

Frustrating Morning

Ugh. My teacher got kind of mad at me when I didn't follow instructions on the test, I ripped the new shirt that I had bought because I was too lazy to do laundry last night, and I had to wait twenty minutes for a computer to open up in the library.

Oh well. After I finish class, write the script for my film project, do laundry, and pack up, I get to head home to Denton for the weekend. Yes!

While I was waiting for this computer, I was thumbing through some books on filmmaking here in the Grayson County College library, and I had to smile. I love it so much, and I seriously want to learn everything about it. I really hope that my GPA is high enough after this semester to be able to get in to UNT. I really think film is what I want to do, and it's nice to know that it's somewhat related to my other passion of theatre. I'm really freaking excited about my personal discovery of this art form. I don't know why I never thought about it before, though I think it's because I had previously only considered the acting aspect of it, and had written it off as too hard to break into. But writing and directing? That's something that I feel like is more attainable (whether it really is or not), although it's a little disheartening to know that about 90% of most great filmmakers have been male. But hey, time to change things, right?

Ack, time to head to my Life Drawing class. Which, by the way, I both love and hate, because I'm not always in the mood to draw, but I have to admit that it has kept up my skills, and even improved them some.

I fucking love all art.

Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Putting off homework...

Procrastination is the shit.

In other news, I have discovered that my hair has already grown out (again) to the point where I can put it in a ponytail, however wimpy that ponytail might be. Aren't you excited? I am.

The annual Denton Arts & Jazz Festival is coming up this weekend, and I am more than psyched. I have gone every year since I can remember. It's my favorite holiday of the year (and yes, I do consider it a holiday), and I plan to go all three days. Music, crowds, art, overpriced food... what more can you want? And then the finale at 7 pm on Sunday... Brave Combo!!! Yes, Denton actually moshes to polka music. Why wouldn't you love such a town?

Currently, though, I am sitting in my dorm room at Grayson County College missing said town. And like I previously mentioned, putting off homework. Responsibility? Pssh, I have Red Bull.

I have to say, however, that I'm pretty glad, because I had a nice dream last night that enabled me to realize how I need to view life and not stress about my future. And it pretty much showed me that what I want most in life is going to happen, so I'm feeling great, especially after a bout of depression last night.

Also, I downloaded Ragnarok Online again, after not having played it for a year or so. Just another tool to aide my quest in leaving everything till the last minute possible. Kind of like this blog. :-P

Obligatory "First Post" Post

Yay. First post here. To anyone who might be at all interested in keeping track of what I have to say, the following is what you have to look forward to:

-Rants and opinions
-Random thoughts
-Quotes and lyrics that I love
-Just anything that's going on in my life, however boring or interesting you may find it

With that taken care of, I want the world to keep in mind that I may not even end up using this blog, because I have a bad habit of creating accounts for things that look fun just because they are shiny and new, and then never keeping up with it. However, I do hope that I remember to keep this puppy updated. Because, you know, I love to ramble about myself and whatever I find interesting, which is what I plan to do here.