Thursday, April 23, 2009

Frustrating Morning

Ugh. My teacher got kind of mad at me when I didn't follow instructions on the test, I ripped the new shirt that I had bought because I was too lazy to do laundry last night, and I had to wait twenty minutes for a computer to open up in the library.

Oh well. After I finish class, write the script for my film project, do laundry, and pack up, I get to head home to Denton for the weekend. Yes!

While I was waiting for this computer, I was thumbing through some books on filmmaking here in the Grayson County College library, and I had to smile. I love it so much, and I seriously want to learn everything about it. I really hope that my GPA is high enough after this semester to be able to get in to UNT. I really think film is what I want to do, and it's nice to know that it's somewhat related to my other passion of theatre. I'm really freaking excited about my personal discovery of this art form. I don't know why I never thought about it before, though I think it's because I had previously only considered the acting aspect of it, and had written it off as too hard to break into. But writing and directing? That's something that I feel like is more attainable (whether it really is or not), although it's a little disheartening to know that about 90% of most great filmmakers have been male. But hey, time to change things, right?

Ack, time to head to my Life Drawing class. Which, by the way, I both love and hate, because I'm not always in the mood to draw, but I have to admit that it has kept up my skills, and even improved them some.

I fucking love all art.

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