Worked as an extra for LA Art Film last week. Due to the confidentiality agreement, I am not allowed to say pretty much anything about the film itself. I'm not even sure if I'm allowed to say that I worked on it at all, but I figure that I can talk about my experience as an extra, because I figure that's an experience that could pertain to any big-budget film.
It was pretty much like being in high school - the majority of the extras were college-aged, but not quite the type to be in college, or to have even graduated high school. One extra I spoke to said that I was the only person he'd talked to/hung out with that had a high school diploma. Granted, there were at least 200 extras, but like I said, a good portion of them were like this. They were loud, disrespectful, lazy, and often downright rude. Very immature. The work itself was miserable; on my feet for most of the twelve hours I worked two of the days, and seventeen (yes, count 'em, seventeen) hours I worked the first day. But that's okay - the overtime pay ROCKED.
And, above all, it was way cool to be on a real set, to watch how real movies were made. It was neat to stand next to some big names (again, I can't say who, and I don't even want to hint about it), and I had a lot of fun when the camera was actually rolling. :-)
Infamous just keeps getting leaps and bounds better with every episode, but I'm to find a better marketing strategy, because our numbers are starting to drop. Which is so not cool, now that the series is not just good, but practically AWESOME.
And as for my personal time, I'm delving deeper into Paganism, trying to manage life without any money to speak of, and attempting to get my butt in gear over my writing.
Soooo.... life is cool, I guess. Travis is a sweetheart. John is a total saint. And that's the long and the short of it.