Tuesday, January 18, 2011

School! ...and stuff...

Well, it's 5:30 AM and I am somehow totally unable to sleep. So I guess it's blog time.

Today is my first day at Texas Woman's University! I am a Theatre Education major. I'm really excited about the theatre department there and what they have to offer. I feel so silly though - I can't believe it took me this long to figure out that I want to be a theatre teacher and that I want to go to TWU. These are two things that I pretty much flat out resisted in high school. I have no idea what was wrong with me at the time, but now I feel like it's totally the right thing. And I mean, I really feel it. I am absolutely pumped for this semester!

Auditions for Feast of Plays: Sloppy Seconds (the Fight Boy Theatre play festival that will feature my own one-act, Shades of Grey) are next week, and I'm a bit nervous. Gotta get my sides picked out. Gotta get sides and scripts printed for all of us. Gotta talk up the auditions so a bunch of people show up. Gotta be a director and stuff.

And I've still got that idea for that novel kicking around in my head. I usually have a long "percolation period" before I actually start writing, and that's just for the short stuff I've written. I imagine this percolation period could last anywhere between another few weeks to another year, considering the magnitude of this project. This novel is not going to go away though. It's a story that's gotta get told.

Oh yeah, and I miss Travis a ton. He visited last weekend, and it was absolutely amazing and all, but y'know, it's just never enough. He needs to move back pronto, because I thoroughly miss seeing him every day.

I am still boggled at how I'm up this early... O.o