Sunday, April 3, 2011

Be Your Own Star

Yes, it's been far too long since my last post. I give up on trying to blog regularly.

School's been going fairly well. I could probably be doing a little better and trying a little harder, but it's not bad. I'll be fine, I think. Just take it one day at a time. I love the theatre department at TWU, and the people there are pretty awesome. I'm still not fully integrated, but I have a feeling that once I do a show or two (next semester), I will be.

Feast of Plays was a total success. Had a pretty good audience every night, and our opening night had the most people ever at a Fight Boy opening night, as well as our last show having the second largest audience Fight Boy has ever seen. My show, Shades of Grey, went particularly well, and my cast was awesome. We closed last weekend, and I'm missing the show pretty badly. I can't wait to do the next show, which will be What Really Happened (A Completely Accurate and Unbiased History of Denton, TX). I plan to audition. I miss being onstage.

Oh yeah, I dyed my hair purple.

Right now, I'm just trying to get through the rest of the semester, keep my social life afloat, and start on a new writing project. I wanted to start on my novel next, and have been thinking a lot about it this past week, but this morning I woke up with the urgent notion that my next project has got to be a full-length play. Considering I don't have any idea as to what that should be about, we'll see if that's really what's next or not. I have no clue. I just know that I gotta get to writing soon.

And of course, I miss Travis a lot. He's doing really well out in Shreveport, and getting closer every day to moving back. This is exciting. I need him back in my zip code. Thank goodness he has a cell phone now - we've been texting a great deal. It helps.

There's a lot more I wish I could say, but it's not for the public. Just a bunch of emotional crap that only I can deal with and figure out. Oh the joys of "finding yourself." :-/

"Go on, be your own're always a star in my eyes." -Blue October

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